Business Philosophy

The Pride Hospitality values the consequences of brand loyalty that comes along with the effective management and excellent relationships with the employees, business partners, business community. We believe that the key to success in the growth and sustainability of any business comes with the mutual beneficial relationship between all the parties involved in that business.


We believe running a business is similar as managing a family when the decisions, planning, empowerment and implementations are inclusive of all the members, they work efficiently and the outcome is magnificent. We believe that working SMART with the proper delegation of authority is the new norm in the business world and we prepare our associates to be competitive as per the market trend.


Our business aspires not only to fulfill the expectations of the guests but aims to go beyond the horizon to exceed their satisfaction through our guest engagements and loyalty programs.


We aim to meet the utmost requirement of global hospitality and reshape it into the Nepalese way of hosting the guest through the excellent service.


Investor partners, stakeholders and consultants are our core team and we strive to achieve a common goal of getting a high return on investment while maintaining a professional and harmonious relationships within.


The Community is an important part of The Pride Hospitality family. We always strive provide employment opportunities to our local talents, look after the community through our thoughtful CSR programs and believe in Growing Together.


Our Location

Budanilkantha – 14, KTM , Nepal

Phone Number

+977 1 4820008


+977 9803566824